Teaching Philosophy

I have had the good fortune to play golf with some of the best players in the world. I have played with Tom Watson, Ian Baker-Finch, Tom Lehman, Davis love III, Paul Azinger, Mike Weir, Jim Furyk, Chris Dimarco, Tiger Woods and many other great players. All these players have one thing in common, they have great balance. Balance is the basis of all sports and golf is no different 

I believe that the golf swing has to be athletic to work under pressure. The three keys to have an athletic swing are the grip, posture, and balance. These three keys are the essence of the golf swing. A player must master these to be able to make his or her best swing on the golf course. I will teach you the proper setup positions so you can make a great golf swing over and over. 

I will try to eliminate the mechanical thoughts and teach you to trust your swing on the golf course. Everybody has their own personal swing plane and this is dictated by your posture and your balance. With the proper setup and relaxation you will learn to swing the club the way you are meant to. The hardest thing to do on the golf course is to relax. Relaxation is essential to hitting good golf shots. I will teach you how to get into a relaxed state so you can hit your best shots. 

Once a player learns to relax and swing the golf club with proper balance then he or she will start to hit solid shots. I look forward to maximizing your golf game while you minimize your score. Finally, always remember that golf is just a game and we play it because we love it! 

Good luck, 

Perry Parker